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Sleep is important and have a profound impact on our overall health, affecting immunity, mental sharpness and even weight management.

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Understanding Sleep Cycle

Understanding Sleep Cycle

Our sleep includes phases of alternating non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep that repeat themselves... read more

What is melatonin?

What Is Melatonin and How Does It Work

Falling asleep and staying asleep can feel like a struggle sometimes. Whether it’s due to stress, age, or too many... read more

Melatonin Dosage

Melatonin Dosage and Usage

If you are considering taking a melatonin supplement to help with your occasional sleeplessness, one of your first questions is... read more

Sleep benefits

Health Benefits of Good Sleep

Good sleep may be a key to managing healthy weight. Several studies, including one from Stanford University, linked sleeping more... read more

Melatonin, Earplugs or Masks for Patients

Melatonin helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal timing mechanism that... read more

Turmeric root

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Curcumin can inhibit many molecules known to play major roles in inflammation. Curcumin blocks NF-kB, a molecule that travels into... read more


Pregnant Women Missing DHA Omega-3

Almost three quarters of pregnant women and recent mothers do not meet intake recommendations for DHA. Interestingly, 97% of the... read more

Restricted diet

Benefits of restricted diet on brain aging

According to the Portugese researchers, calorie restriction diet (a diet with low calories intake, without malnutrition) can delay aging and... read more

Cholesterol in Food

New Cholesterol Guidelines

Cholesterol consumed at mealtimes does not significantly affect blood cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Instead, current data suggest... read more

Choline for Liver Health

Choline: Your Liver Will Appreciate It

Choline is not generally considered a vitamin, but it is an essential micronutrient. There is strong evidence that adequate choline... read more

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